Ego.Observer Tarot

A Mirror to Your Soul

It's time to turn the tables on your ego's games and unlock the secrets of your soul.


The Ego Observer Guidebook - Practices

Intuitive Tarot Guide: Beyond Basics

Learn the art of communication with your ego. Use the cards to navigate and clear the path from self-sabotage, opening doors to self-mastery. Unlock the intuitive guide into tarot. No need to be an expert; let the cards speak to you as you play this profound game of self-awareness.

Nonlinear Journey - Each Card, a Character

Every Card a Character in Your Story

In the tarot journey, it's not a linear path. Each card is a character you embody. Use this deck as a compass, guiding you through the twists and turns of your unique narrative.

In the Game of Life, Choices Define You

Navigating Life's Crossroads, Defining Your Path

Life's choices are the moves on your cosmic game board, each one leaving an indelible mark on your story. The pivotal question of self-identity unfolds with every decision, a continuous exploration of your essence.

Self-Discovery - The Game Begins

Initiating the Journey: Self-Discovery and the Name of the Game

Step into the initiation of self-discovery as you draw the first card. The game unfolds, and you become both the player and the character in the grand story of your own existence.


Ego's Journey through the Arcana: From Child to Adult

The Major Arcana - Ego's Development

Explore the Major Arcana, where each card represents a stage of ego development. Witness the maturation from childlike innocence to the complexities of adulthood, a visual narrative of your evolving self.

The Child Ego - Awakening into Action

Awakening the Child Within: From Innocence to Action

Delve into the realm of the Child Ego, where innocence meets the spark of action. Each card becomes a mirror reflecting the early stages of self-awareness.

The Teen Ego - Learning New Boundaries

Navigating Adolescence: Lessons in Boundaries

As the journey progresses, encounter the Teen Ego. Learn the art of setting boundaries and navigating the complex terrain of self-discovery during this pivotal stage.

The Adult Ego - Owning Expression

Owning Expression: From Maturity to Wisdom

The Adult Ego emerges, a symbol of maturity and wisdom. Embrace the cards that signify the full ownership of self-expression and the realization of one's true potential.

Navigating Life's Realms: Lessons in the Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana - Lessons and Challenges

Enter the realms of the Minor Arcana, where each suit represents lessons and challenges on the journey to self-creation and maturity.

The Wands - Creative Force and the Subconscious

The Wands: Unleashing Creative Force from the Subconscious

Discover the power of the Wands, representing the creative force emanating from the depths of the subconscious mind.

The Swords - Path into Conscious Awareness

The Swords: Navigating the Path into Conscious Awareness

Embark on the journey of the Swords, cutting through illusions and paving the way toward conscious awareness.

The Cups - Into the Realms of the Unconscious Psychic

The Cups: Delving into the Realms of the Unconscious Psychic

Dive deep into the Cups, exploring the mysterious waters of the unconscious psyche and unlocking hidden truths.

The Coins - Manifestation of Self

The Coins: Manifesting the Self in Material Realms

Experience the grounding energy of the Coins, symbolizing the manifestation of self in the material world.

Unlocking Daily Self-Awareness Practices

Infuse Your Daily Rituals with Tarot Magic

Welcome to the realm where tarot transcends mere divination—it becomes a powerful tool for self-awareness. The Ego Observer Tarot Deck isn't just a set of cards; it's a guide to daily practices that elevate your consciousness.


The Guidebook: Your Gateway to Transformation

Questions That Stir the Soul, Practices That Transform

Within the Ego Observer Guidebook, discover a treasury of thought-provoking questions. These aren't just inquiries; they're keys to unlocking the deepest chambers of your soul. Let the guidebook be your companion on this transformative journey.




What makes the Ego Observer Tarot Deck unique?

The Ego Observer Tarot Deck is distinctive for its blend of traditional tarot card order and intuitive descriptions, offering a profound journey of self-discovery.

What are the dimensions of the tarot cards?

The tarot cards are designed with a perfect balance of portability and power, measuring 3x5 inches with rounded edges for comfortable handling during readings.

Tell me more about the self-awareness guidebook.

Our comprehensive 236-page guidebook is a valuable resource filled with thought-provoking questions and prompts, guiding you on a journey of self-awareness, personal growth, and manifestation.

How is the deck stored?

The Ego Observer Tarot Deck is housed in an elegant magnetic box with a ribbon inside, ensuring both protection for your cards and a touch of sophistication to your tarot collection.

What's special about the card texture?

Immerse yourself in the sleek tactile experience of matte-finished tarot cards. The non-reflective surface adds sophistication to your readings, providing an enjoyable and immersive connection with each card.

Tell me about the foil accents on the cards.

The deck features stunning gold foil accents on the back and a unique blue side foil, creating a visual masterpiece that combines elegance with distinct appeal.